Israel is denying Palestinians access to even the basic minimum of clean, safe water, Amnesty International says.
In a report, the human rights group says Israeli water restrictions discriminate against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
It says that in Gaza, Israel's blockade has brought the water and sewage system to "crisis point".
Israel says the report is flawed and the Palestinians get more water than was agreed under the 1990s peace deal.
'Basic need'
In the 112-page report, Amnesty says that on average Palestinian daily water consumption reaches 70 litres a day, compared with 300 litres for the Israelis.
Israel must end its discriminatory policies, immediately lift all the restrictions it imposes on Palestinians' access to water
Donatella Rovera
Amnesty International
It says that some Palestinians barely get 20 litres a day - the minimum recommended even in humanitarian emergencies.
Amnesty says that Israel denies West Bank Palestinians to dig wells, and has even destroyed cisterns and impounded water tankers.
At the same time, the report claims, Israeli settlers are enjoying swimming pools and green gardens.
In Gaza, Israel refuses access to many of the building materials needed to renovate the ailing water system, the document says.
It adds that Israel uses more than 80% of the water from the Mountain Aquifer - the main source of underground water in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.
"Water is a basic need and a right, but for many Palestinians obtaining even poor-quality, subsistence-level quantities of water has become a luxury that they can barely afford," Amnesty's Donatella Rovera said.
"Israel must end its discriminatory policies, immediately lift all the restrictions it imposes on Palestinians' access to water."
Ms Rovera also urged Israel to "take responsibility for addressing the problems it created by allowing Palestinians a fair share of the shared water resources".
Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said the report was factually inaccurate, accusing the Palestinians of mismanaging water resources.
He also rejected the claim that Israel was preventing Palestinians from drilling for water.
The spokesman said Israel had approved 82 such projects but the Palestinians had only implemented 26 of them.
иймэрхүү шалтгаануудын улмаас би Израйлчүүдийн эсрэг үйлдсэн геноцетийг тийм ч их буруу үйлдэл байгаагүй ээ гэж үздэг юм... эх сурвалж БиБиСи
Гавьяа, ялалтын тухай...
1 week ago
Хөгийн юм үзээгүй амьсгаанууд вэ? Лалар юмаа.
Палестин уух усгүй харангадаж, Африкт зааны шээс ууж байна. Бид ч үнэхээр азтай хүмүүс юмаа
Би энэ зун 2 Израйлтай явсан. Аятайхан шиг хоол ч аваад идчихэж чадахгүй ярвагнасан хөгийн юмнууд л байсан.
Аан, тийм. Хасагууд бас Еврейчүүд байж магадгүй. Нэг Хасаг залуутай аятайхан харьцаад байсан чинь өнөөдөр юу вэ? толгойнд хүрж мүрчихсэн.
Ахын хэлдэгээр Хасагуудыг даврааж болохгүй гэж үнэн юм шиг байгаан.
хэхэ, балиар "расист" байна уу?
унших гсэн чинь залхуу хүрчлээ дэхдээ муу хүмүүс юм шиг байна гэшшш ккк
WTF do you guys know about Jews anyways? Yadaj neg Yevrey huntey nuhurluud uzeech. Yugaa ch medehguy baij neg l ih anti-Semiteuud.
за байз бурханий тухай төсөөлөл бодлууд хүн бүрт бий... гэхдээ хэн нь ч бурхантай уулзаж байгаагүй...
hehe.. davraaj bolohgui gdg chin muu, durgui gsn ug bish bizdee.. ene chin odoo.. buruu yum bicheed hun uurluulcan bna shd..
ene talaar zun ih bodson gluu, tuur muursun ghu,,,ene talaar jhan uurin gsn bodoltoi bh heregtei bhaa,,,tgd bi daanch medkumdaaa,,,ghdee bi lav anti-semitist bish
Түвшинд: Юм үзсэн хүмүүс сайхан юм...
Чам шиг л "хуул, наа"-г л тавьсан байна.
Дээр нь бичсэн юм бол үнэхээрийн хүний ёсноос гажууд зүйл байгаа юм биш үү? Газар нутаггүй байхад нь газар өглөө, одоо бүр давраад уух уснаас нь .... энэ чинь одоо юу вэ? Энэ үйлдэл эсвэл зөв гэж үү?
Tegj yarih yum bol Israel anhandaa Arabuudiin nutag ch baisan yum bish. Hoyul suuld nuuj irtsgeesen l ulsuud (of course I'm not even talking about the Biblical times - read Exodus for that matter). Ternees bish neg ni nuguuduu gazar nutag ugsun chini unuuh ni tomruutaa eznee deerelheed unasan zuil baihguy (which means you don't know a shit about their history). Nuguu talaasaa Israel-iin armid alba haasan, ali esvel jiriin neg secular Jew zaluustay uulzaad bodliig ni sonirhood uzeerey. Media-giin durseldeg shig aihtar Zionism hanhluulsan, Arabuudiig uzen yadsan humuus baragtay l bol baihguy. Bugd l enhiig hussen, bidnees ogt yalgarahguy humuus bii - gehdee bidnees arai iluu bolovsroltoy, bas soyoltoy baij medne. Yuruusuu etssiin etsest ene buh asuudliin shiidel ni two-state solution yum. Daan ch ali ali taldaa uls turiin buult hiihees tatgalzdag, aidag. Gehdee ene shiideld hurch Baruun Jerusalem-d Palestine-ii, Zuun Jerusalem-d Israel-iin elchin saidiin yam tuvhnuh ni yurduu tsag hugatsaanii asuudal gedeg ni oilgomjtoy.
Aan tiim, Mata-d zoriulaad neg zuil helchihye: Quote hiihed bas uchir baidag yumshde. Neg taliig ni umuursun zuilsiig ni tuuj taviad, nuguu taliinhiig ni orhigduulj baigaa bol yadaj terniigee [...] gej ch yum uu yamar negen baidlaar duridah ethics-tey baih heregtey.
"He argued that Israeli fresh water use per capita had gone down since 1967 due to efficiency and new technologies, while the Palestinians' use had increased and more than a third of their water was wasted.
If there were allegations of military wrongdoing, those would be investigated, he said.
He also rejected the claim that Israel was preventing Palestinians from drilling for water, saying Israel had approved 82 such projects but the Palestinians had only implemented 26 of them.
"They have received billions of dollars in international aid over the last decade and a half, why have they not invested that in their own water infrastructure>?" he asked.
The report also criticised the Oslo Accords, which the Palestinians agreed to in 1993.
It said that under them, the Palestinians gained the responsibility for managing an "insufficient" water supply and maintaining "long neglected" water infrastructure.
Also, the deal left the Palestinians paying Israel for half of the domestic water used in the West Bank, despite the fact it is extracted from the shared aquifer.
Mr Regev said Israel provides the Palestinians with more water than it was required to under the accord."
tuvshind: minii bodloor chi neg ikh end orj ireed ingej tomrood hereggyi l baisan yum bolow y, ekhnii setgegdel khurtel yawaad l bolokh baisan yum bishuu,
ooriin medleg, oor ooriin ertontsooroo shuu dee
Tomorson zuil algaa. Gantshan uursduu busdaas iluu garah zuilguy baij haa holiin hun amitniig garal uusleer ni yalgavarladag, davan tuulsan zovlong ni zuvtgudug archaaguy zangaasaa sal l gej helmeer baina. Nuguu talaasaa blog-iinhoo comment hesegt minii buruu zuv shuumjleliig hundetgej, huleetstey handdag Mata-d bayarlaj yavdgaa ilerhiilye. Tegeed tsaashdaa deerh topic-iinh shig emzeg asuudald ali ali taliinh ni bair suuriig hargalzaj inflamatorry comment hiihees bolgoomjilj baina biz dee.
ер нь бол нээх антисемитист хүн бол энд байхгүй гэж бодоод байгаа ш дээ... нээх жүүдүүдийг үзэн ядаж бариад... яхав ер нь тухайн хүмүүсийн талаар нэг их таатай бишээр боддог ч гэх юм уу? тиймэрхүү хүмүүс л байгаа байх... надад лав нэг их таалагдадгүй... тэрнээс нээх үзэн ядаад тэрэнд акцент өгөөд байх нь хаашайм... гэхдэ ямар ч байсан тэр мэдээг уншсан даварцан гарууд л санагдлаа...
тээд ч энэ миний блог ямар олон нийтийн хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл биш би ч тэгээд өөртөө таалагддаг юмаа тавидаг тээл тэр...
за тэр жүүдүүд ч яхав сда архинд хордодог л юм байна...
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